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This posts as the part 1 of our NMC CBT practice questions.

This page reflects on the practice questions adapted from our whatsapp group suggested by members only for practice. It is not exactly a carbon copy of what to expect on the exam day but a guide of what the exam looks like. The Nursing and Midwifery YouKay exam has two parts - A and B.  Part A will cover questions around numbers and calculations (Numeracy) and Part B will cover questions related to nursing or midwifery clinical practice/admin(or as your speciality mimicks). 

Q1. Calculate the fluid balance if intake is 2738ml and output is 750ml?

Ans: 2738-750=1988ml

Q2.A patient is advised 120mg tab. Available dose is 30mg.How many tablets for a single dose? Ans: 120/30=4 tablets

Q3.1500ml IV fluid to be infused over 8 hours.Calculate the ml/hr to be given in an infusion pump? Ans: 1500/8=187.5 ml/hr

Q4. Injection Metronidazole 100ml to be infused over half an hour.How many ml/hr to be set in an infusion pump? Ans: 100÷30×60=200ml/hr

Q5.Prescription 2.5mg/hr. How much will be given in 24 hours? Ans: 2.5×24=60mg

Q6. A patient is prescribed 120mg tab. Available dose is 40mg.How many tablets for a single dose? Ans: 120/40=3 tablets.

Q7.A patient weighing 55kg is prescribed 3mg/kg of medicine.How many mg will be given? Ans: 55×3=165mg

Q8.Prescribed dose is 50mg three times daily.Available is 125mg/5ml.how much will be for a single dose? Ans: 50÷125×5=2ml.

Q9. Patient is prescribed 7.5mg of a tablet. The stock strength is 2.5mg. How many tablets will be given? Ans: 7.5÷2.5= 3 tablets

Q10. (I don’t remember the last question on calculation but it was also simple)

THEN THE OTHER QUESTIONS Q11 .How can a nurse provide support for a blind patient taking oral fluids? Ans: Ask the patient if he need any assistance.

Q12. Which should be considered for a 15 year old girl asking for contraceptive advice? Ans: Faser guidelines

Q13. In Early warning score system,what ACVPU stands for? Ans: Alert, confused, voice, pain, unconsciousness.

Q14. A widow lady with dementia and recent UTI complains that she saw something running in the kitchen? Ans: Manifesting delirium due to infection.

Q15. Medicine not administered because of unavailability in the stock.To whom should inform? Ans: Document the reason for omission,inform prescriber and senior nurse.

Q16. Patient newly diagnosed with oesophageal cancer should decide on treatment,broken down and cries.What is the most appropriate nurses action? Ans: Acknowledge the decision,provide private room to discuss with the family.

Q17. COPD patients will exhibit? Ans: High PCO2 and low PO2

Q18. Why adjuvants like anticonvulsants and antidepressants are given in palliative care? Ans: To aid/increase the effectiveness of opioids.

Q19. An elderly patient complaints that his neighbor is stealing his money,not buying food? Ans: Inform patient’s GP,identify local safeguarding policy and act accordingly.

Q20. What is the cause of gingival bleeding? Ans: Poor removal of plaque.

Q21. What is best advice that can given for a COPD patient on discharge? Ans: Cessation of smoking.

Q22. A nurse visit a patient and finds that her daughter has bruises and looks thin.what should be done? Ans: Identify local safeguarding policy and raise alert,ask assistance from line manager,inform social services and police.

Q23. What are the factors that should be considered in safeguarding concerns in adults? Ans: Type of harm,source of harm,degree of harm.

Q24.Who is responsible for educating and supervising students? Ans: All Registered Nurses

Q25. What all symptoms will be shown by a patient with depression? A.Behavioural B.Cognitive C.Physical D.All the above Ans: D

Q26. Patient with CVA has difficulty in swallowing. Who will she be referred to? Ans: Speech and language Therapist (SALT)

Q27. A patient is agitated and want to discharge himself.What should be done? Ans: Let him go as there is no signs of physical risk and if not,it will be deprivation of liberty.

Q26. What is the most appropriate advise that can be given to a woman taking Oral Contraceptive Pills on holiday? Ans: Ask her to go for other methods of contraception as there is risk for diarrhea during holidays.

Q27. Standard precaution measures include? Ans: Hand hygiene, Use of PPE, safe handling and disposal of waste.

Q28. The recommended servings of fruits and vegetables in a day? five 80g servings of fruit and vegetable a day.

Q29. Wrong documentation? Ans: Draw line through entry,state that it is error, write name, signature, job title ,date and time.

Q30. What is the standard practice follow ed in handwritten documentation? Ans: Print your name, signature, designation, date and time.

Q31. A consent is VALID when the patient? Ans: Has capacity, voluntary and informed.

Q32. Manager asks to wash all the patients before 10 am.What is the most appropriate response? Ans: Talk to the manager,tell him that holistic care will be compromised.

Q33. A newly appointed staff makes repeated errors leaving patient’s safety at risk.As a line manager what will you do? Ans: Talk to her privately,identify her difficulties,provide support and appropriate training.

Q34. Student nurses performs wrong procedure.what should be done? Ans: Stop them,provide training and assess competency.

Q35. A patient is for surgery but her BMI is low.To whom should be referred? Ans: Dietitian

Q36. Subcutaneous insulin injection should be given at? Ans: 90 degree

Q37. What is patient centered care? Ans: Take patient as whole and deliver appropriate care.

Q38. When should a nurse administer broad spectrum antibiotics for a patient with sepsis? Ans: Immediately after collecting blood samples for culture.

Q39. What is advocacy in nursing? Ans: To inform,mediate and support on behalf of the patient.

Q40. Patient refused antihypertensive tablet and her daughter asks to crush the tablet.What will the most appropriate response? Ans: Tell her that it will alter its therapeutic effect and refuse to disguise.

Q41. A patient want to share a secret.What will be your response? Ans: Tell her that only relevant information will be shared with others.

Q42. Community hospitals provide:? Ans: Rehabilitation, respite care, primary care, acute care, Physiotherapy.

Q43. Which condition requires chest compressions and ventilations rather than defibrillation? Ans: Asystole

Q44. Patient’s initial GCS is 15.How frequently should be monitored then? Ans: 30 minutes

Q45. A patient deemed to have capacity refuses blood transfusion on the basis of religion.What will you do? Ans: Accept his decision as he is aware of the consequences.

Q46.Surgical wound dressing criterias? Ans: Low humidity, high adherence, aterile, insulation.

Q47 What will you consider while delegating a task? Ans: The person’s competency to perform.

Q48. Average heart rate of 1-2year old? Ans: 110beats per min

Q49.16 year old is anxious during physical examination.

Ans: Stay with the patient,don’t intervene directly,provide support by non verbal communication.

Q50. How is compassion defined? Ans: Maintain dignity, empathy and intelligent kindness.

Q51. How will you oraganise a patient’s care plan? Ans: Assess needs,diagnose,implement and evaluate.

Q52. How will you regard a patient’s end of life care? Ans: Treat with dignity and respect.

Q53. Why the family is encouraged to talk with a coma patient? Ans: As they can hear what is said

Q54. What is the common cause of airway obstruction in unconscious patients? Ans:Tongue falling back causing obstruction.

Q55. A patient with blood transfusion complaints pyrexia and lower back pain?what will be the reason? Ans: Severe blood transfusion reaction

Q56. What is the nurse’s role in caring for a patient with severe anaphylactic reaction? Ans: Call for help, assess ABC, keep anaphylactic kit ready, stay with the patient untill help arrives.

Q57. Which condition exhibits odema as a sign? Ans: Right ventricular failure.

Q58. What will you do if a patient doesn’t know English? Ans: Book for the hospital interpreter

Q59. What should be done if you are given a new wound dressing pack? Ans: Refer to another practitioner and do only once you are competent.

Q60. You are assigned to a patient with unfamiliar diagnosis? Ans: Read the care plan and notes, act within your competence, ask help from senior nurse when needed.

Q61. Patient had allergic reaction to medicine at home? Ans: Act to prevent harm, inform prescriber who can report to MHRA through Yellow Card Scheme.

Q62. MUST medium risk? Ans: Record dietary intake for 3 days.

Q63. What is the best site for IM buttock injections? Ans: Upper outer quadrant

Q64. Patient reported bleeding after 48 hrs post delivery? Ans: Secondary postpartum hemorrhage

Q65. What is the proper way of instilling eye drops? Ans: Sit back with neck slightly hyperextended or lie down.

Q66.Teaching for patient on Allupurinol? Ans: Drink 2 to 3 L of water per day.

Q67. Signs of Phlebitis? Ans: Pain and redness

Q68. 5 moments of hand hygiene Ans:Before and after patient contact, before clean/aseptic procedures, after body fluid exposure risk, after touching patient’s surroundings.

Q69. Common aneurysm location in elderly? Ans: Aortic and cerebral.

Q70. Patient is concerned about stoma care at home? Ans: Assess patient’s knowledge on stoma care and provide education.

Q71. Patient is on cardiac glycoside ,digoxin. Ans: Monitor heart rate and rhythm.

Q72. Most appropriate advise to a patient’s daughter who has diarrhoea and want to visit the hospital? Ans: Advise to visit after 48 hrs symptom free.

Q73. The nurse must carry a patient with a hoist and slinge. What must the nurse do? Ans: check if the hoist and slinge are compatible and knows how to operate the equipment.

Q74.How to collect urine for female patient? Ans: Clean the uretheral meatus with soap and water,get midstream urine.

Q75. Severe antibiotic adverse reaction? Ans: Sudden, sharp BP fall

Q76. As a comptent nurse,what will you do before oropharyngeal airway insertion? Ans: Head tilt chin lift,look for any foreign object that can be pushed into the larynx.

Q77. How to prevent infection in a patient with urinary catheter? Ans: Teach patient, family and carers regarding the safe management of catheter.

Q78. What is the agent that can be transmitted to the fetus from a mother who consumes alcohol? Ans: Teratogen

Q79. Most common risk factors for CHF? Ans: Male, hypertensive, smoking, Hypercholesterolemia.

Q80. How to check respiratory rate? Ans: Check for complete 60 seconds

Q81. What does comprehensive assessment include? Ans: Physical, social, cultural, psychological, spiritual, genetic factors

Q82. Nursing assistant not washing hands before a procedure? Ans: Interrupt in between, teach hand hygiene and assess compliance.

Q83. How to deal a student using mobile phone while assessment in the community? Ans: Ask to keep phone away, help to refocus on assessment and communicate effectively during initial assessment.

Q84. What is professionalism? Ans: Autonomous evidence based decision taken by a group sharing common values and education.

Q85..When to disclose patient’s information? Ans: When it seems risk to patient and public safety. (There was two similar questions with a different scenario)

Q86. A patient’s son complained that his mother is not washed? Ans: Investigate, give honest response, ensure that she gets wash.

Q87. Side effects of fentanyl skin patch? Ans: Slow shallow breathing, increased sleepiness, dizziness, difficulty to walk, think.

Q88. NEWS score 5? Ans: Refer immediately to be assessed by physician.

Q89. Ruptured serum filled blister. which stage of pressure ulcer? Ans: Stage 2 (Partial thickness)

Q90. What is the minimum hours of practice required in 3 years? Ans: 450 hours or 350 hours (Was confused)

Q91. How will you justify your chosen site for Inj.Vitamin B12 in elderly? Ans: Deltoid,well developed.

Q92. How will you approach a patient whose sexuality conflicts with your beliefs and values? Ans: Approach by accepting the diversity and difference.

Q93. How will you involve a patient in his plan of care with regard to cessation of smoking? Ans: Approach patient, show concern and be sensitive about his needs and preferences

Q94. What criterias should be met by a patient post abdominal surgery to be shifted from Post Anesthetic Care Unit to ward? Ans: Fully conscious, no signs of airway obstruction, no bleeding, all vital signs stable, no vomiting.

Q95. What will you if you found a nurse shouting at an old patient? Ans: Intervene on the spot, talk with the nurse in a non-confrontational manner,report to senior nurse.

Q96. What is the importance of NEWS? Ans: To detect early deterioration.

Q97. What are steps in MU ST? Ans: BMI,unplanned weight loss,acute disease effect,overall risk malnutritionrition,management guidelines to develop care plan.

Q98. Why glycerin trinatrite should be kept in its original container? Ans: When exposed to light,it will lose its effectiveness.

Q99. Which is considered as more important in 6C’s? Ans: Everything is equally important.

Q100. What do you mean by ‘Integrated care’ to an elderly patient in the community who has complex care needs? Ans: Case manager will assess the care needs, arrange meetings which includes formal and informal caregivers.

Q101. How to provide care for patient with lung cancer? Ans: Administer prescribed oxygen, nebulisations, reassurance, sitting with support of pillows.

Q102. A female patient request for a female doctor to do physical examination.What will you do? Ans: Assess the patient first and call for female doctor if it is safe to wait.

Q103. The doctor informed the patient that his surgery was unsuccessful.What will be the most appropriate response to provide support as a nurse? Ans: Ask the patient whether he want to discuss what the doctor said.

Q104. How will meet the spiritual needs of a patient? Ans: Accept patient’s spiritual needs and seek the support where necessary.

Q105. If a patient requires complex discharge needs. what will you do? Ans: Arrange a discharge meeting with health care team,patient,family and care givers.

Q106. What are the benefits of early ambulation post surgery? Ans: Improve muscle function and reduce hospital stay.

Q107. As an in-charge what will you do when two staffs inform that they are sick? Ans: Inform senior nurse and manager, arrange a meeting to decide a plan for proper patient care.

Q108. What discharge instruction will you provide for a patient on antibiotics? Ans: Take as prescribed, don’t take alcohol and complete the dose.

Q108. What is the reason for diarrhea after taking antibiotics? Ans: As a result of multiplication of clostridium difficile which tend to destroy normal bacteria in the gut.

Q109. Self-employed nurse working in different areas cause harm to a patient. Who is responsible for indemnity? Ans: Self-employed nurse must have their own indemnity arrangements.

Q110. What is your responsibility if a patient is confused at night? Ans: Reorient the patient, remind him where he is,direct to the room, assess for incontinence, pain and need for medication.

Q111. Signs and symptoms of fluid volume deficit Ans: Hypotension

Q112. A dementia patient wants to leave the hospital. What should you do? Ans: Encourage the patient to stay for her own wellbeing

Q113. A nurse manager tells you that all washes should be done by 10am. What should you do? Ans: Talk to the manager and tell her that holistic care will be compromised.

Q114. A patient’s relative with diarrhoea called to visit the patient. What should you do? Ans: Tell her to wait and come after 48 hours when the symptoms have disappeared.

Q115. A patient with waterlow score of 20. What should you do? Ans: Offer dynamic mattress with low air loss

Q116. A.conditition associated with oedema

Ans: Right heart failure

Q117. What is the most important thing to note when giving cardiac glycoside digoxin

Ans: Check for heart rate and rhythm















NB: Kindly note that this is not the exam question, it’s a guide to give insight.

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